Saturday, February 2, 2008

Progress Report on the New Year's Goals

A quick status update:

As for doubling my "Net Worth", January got off on shaky footing, with a net loss of $24.00. I'm currently scrabbling to calculate what kind of RSP contribution top-up I can make before month-end. ING dropped their regular savings rates by 0.1% and that added insult to injury. Stay tuned.

However, progress on the "Travel at least once out of the country" goal was great, with all flights purchased (Ottawa-London, London-Cork, Dublin-Amsterdam, Amsterdam-London, London-Ottawa) and... drumroll please... my passport came in last week by ExpressPost. I also booked the time off work. Next step: travel insurance.

The athletic goals are coming along slower than expected... I've ditched my Garmin for the winter because it's too depressing. I'm back on the trainer 3x per week and it's pretty darn hard at that. Doing my best with swimming, but it's hard to forget that 15 months previous, I was blowing bubbles and learning how to float. It shows, too!

And for my unnamed goals, well... rumour has it that things may be looking up...!