Monday, January 21, 2008

Avoiding the Bus

Yesterday I walked to the St Laurent shopping centre from the Rideau Centre, because I really hate busses…especially Sunday busses. Unfortunately, it was -15C. (Did I say that I really hate busses?) I searched two more stores for swimsuits—notoriously hard to find in January—and then I walked back home. With a mixture of jogging and walking in my huge bundle of gear, I was able to make the trip in 50 minutes each way. I also saved myself $1.90 in bus fare. Woo hoo.

On a more positive note, I think I escaped frostbite—although there is a small white spot on my cheek that wasn’t there before. Heh. Darn wind.

Two more suits (my reasoning is that at least one will work!) and now no excuses, since my last one was actually giving me blisters on the shoulder. Weird, eh… Only the left shoulder, because I breathe 90% of the time on the left... Sad, I know! Apparently, that makes me atypical for a right-handed gal?