Sunday, June 15, 2008

Bone Health and F-A-T

I've come into an strange conundrum.

By eating super, super clean for 7 weeks in a way that bordered on obsessive (including charting every item and quantity that went into my mouth in a very detailed Excel spreadsheet!) I managed to lose 10-12 pounds of bodyweight; some of which is associated water, some is fat, and some.. unfortunately.. is muscle.

While I am happy to see my abs again, I have a problem. Most of the last 6 weeks I have been out of commission with my foot, so the calorie deficit came almost all through diet (yay for raw vegetables). And while my maintenance level is still quite high for the average girl, I managed to lose other measures of health too.

So now I am sitting here with broken bones and entering into the zone of what is callled (shudder) the "female athlete triad" - oh, how appropriate the acronym: "F-A-T". Definitely not a harbinger of health, and definitely not the way to go if I want to be cycling again before the end of the summer. 10 times more frustrating because I am definitely not "under-fat" or underweight by any standard measure, even by the seriously flawed BMI.

I ate like a monster yesterday in desperation... hoping to "jump-start" things... but today I'm back to super clean whole foods plus mega amounts of Ca, D, Mg, Zn and multivitamins. If the bone scan shows more than 2 fractures I will need to address this with the doc.

In fact, I might need to address this with the doc anyways...

In this, my last outlet of rage, I let out my most agonized and frustrated scream: