More walking, more bicycles, and another stop for Heineken and “frites” with that scrumptious mayonnaise-like “fritesaus” that puts ketchup to shame. I wanted to hoard some, but Ang reminded me that Amsterdam would have lots of its own…
Back to the hostel to see what Monday-night fun could be had in the onsite bar… alas… none… at first we were the only people there, and later we were joined by a group of sexagenarians. In despair, we ordered another few (amazingly cheap) pints. And then, a miracle: one fellow our age appeared, ordered a pint, and came to talk to us. Behold, a fellow Canadian! A Montrealer! The night was looking up... He ended up cajoling and/or bribing the bartender to let us buy bottled beer and take it into the front lobby over-night, so that we could watch Canadian hockey on the internet… we had a blast. What else can I say?
One very brief night’s sleep later, we stumbled to the kitchen for the hostel’s complimentary breakfast. I was expecting instant coffee and toast; what we got was a virtual feast! Dutch cheese, sliced chicken and ham, hagelslaag, fresh bread, cappuccino from a machine, milk, OJ, and Dutch breakfast cake (yummy stuff!) A good start to the day. We had wanted to visit the Keukenhoff but decided it would be too much of a rush to fit it in our itinerary… so we said goodbye to our new friend and asked him to send us pictures. Off to Amsterdam, the evil city!