Monday, March 17, 2008

Anatomy of a Spam

Note: Not of “SPAM”, because we don’t really want to know what’s in that. All plain text [sic]...

Hello Dear.
Hello Dear?

My name is Mr. Williams Bamba, a Banker and accountant with a bank here in Abidjan Cote d' Ivoire.
Yikes, a big-B Banker AND small-a accountant (what’s the difference anyway?), with a name that sounds awfully close to “Bill Banker”. Never been to Cote d’Ivoire, and don’t have any relatives there, but sounds big-I Impressive. Read on.

I am the personal accounts manager to Mr. George Brumley, an American National and physician.
Er, I didn't think Cote d’Ivoire was on the list for popular tax havens…

My client, his wife, and their children were involved in the ill fated air crash with Kenya airways on July 2003. For more about the Air Crash you can visit the CNN web news for the tragedy.
Yes, CNN reported that story. But Mr. Bamba, you've just cut and copied sentences from the CNN story into your Spam.... tsk tsk... I expected more from you than that!

Since then I have made several inquiries to his embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives but has been unsuccessful.
Oops, didn't this link belong earlier in the Spam?

After several unsuccessful attempts, I now seek your permission to have you stand as a next of kin.
The problem is, I'm not related...

Of particular interest in this huge deposit with our bank here in, where the deceased has an account valued at about ($16.8 million US dollars).
Mr. Bamba, you should not enclose your form-letter personalizations with parentheses (besides, you should quote in Canadian dollars now--who wants USD?) And I thought you were writing from Abidjan?

They have issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or the bank will declare the account unservisable and thereby send the funds to the bank treasury.
I have two words for you: "Spell" - "Check". Bonus points for quoting "THEY"; the world is teeming with the all-knowing "THEY".

Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over last 2 years now,
That's funny, because CNN had no trouble finding them.

I will seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased,
Ah, but there's still the problem of needing to be related...

so that the proceeds of this account valued at ($16.8million US dollars) can be paid to you
But I don't really want ($ USD)

and then you and I can share the money.
Oh, of course. Definitely. How about I give you half?

All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this deal through.
Is there any other kind?

I guarantee that this will be executed under all legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.
The best way to protect oneself from the consequences of any breach of law is to, well, not break the law.

In your reply mail, I want you to give me your full names, address, occupation,date of birth, telephone and fax numbers.
Certainly. I'll be right on that. But first, tell me how you came to think I was related to a person when you don't know my name?

If you can handle this with me, reach me now through this mailbox
Oh but I can handle this just fine…

Thanking you for your anticipated cooperation
I bet you say that to all the poor suckers

Mr Williams Bamba.