Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Maybe the daily drudgery of life is a lot like open-water swimming; you fight to stay afloat, move as fast as you can to avoid sinking, and head for the Island after every lap.

If it weren’t for the islands it would be hard to keep on going.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Barbie Doll

Right now my co-workers are having a conversation about Barbie Doll fetishes, electric grinders, and 80-year olds getting manicures.

As for me, my ipod is on full tilt. Trying to tune it all out.


I have a bit of an issue with balance; it's easy for me to get immersed in something to the point of it being an obsession. If I were a dog, I'd be an Irish Setter: high-strung, tempramental, and teeming with nervous energy. Prone to bouts of anxiety and other irrational behaviour, I am the kind of person that gets struck by some new-fangled idea and within 24 hours has convinced herself to re-organize her life, spend a bunch of money, or what-have-you in order to accomplish said idea...

Usually, these stunning revelations occur at night, right before I should be going to bed. Thus, I hardly ever sleep enough to support the next day's activities. There is always some other procrastination technique I can use to avoid surrender to somnolence on any given evening. I have an aversion to sleep because it means that I will wake up and have to start another day of same 'ol, same 'ol work, cook, eat, sleep, and try to workout if my feet feel up to it... I mean, who'd want to waste 6-8 hours of free time in being unconscious?

Anyway, I've averaged 4h per night this week and it is becoming ridiculous.

This morning I got up at quarter to 6, ate breakfast, packed my swimming bag, put my shoes on, and was so dizzy (seeing stars and half-dreaming in that crazy, sleep-deprived state) that I just lay down on my bed for 5 mins to clear my head and BOOM it was quarter to 8... I threw my swimming stuff out of my bag and got changed and ran to my appointment, then stumbled to work with a HUGE coffee and... ... a chocolate croissant!

I know, how could I? Guess what... I relished every morsel.

But I've heard from many people now, that I need to try to relax, have fun, "chill out", and enjoy life a bit more.. because life is generally good you know... and there is a lot to be thankful for. Heck, I live in Canada, in the beautiful nation's capital, and I have a bike, and I have two legs that still work well enough to take me places :) and I have a job, and a bit of health insurance, and access to a good variety of healthy food, and a nice little apartment in a safe area of town, and a lot of great friends.

And the weather is beautiful, and it's Friday! So if I could just get a bit more sleep...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Manger comme un porc

I ate almost 1/2 a jar of peanut butter last night, among other indiscretions.

1/2 a loaf of sourdough bread dipped in balsamic vinegar and olive oil, black pudding, salmon, milk, grapes & cherries in copious amounts.

Wow. Naughty.

Back up to 142 pounds on my 5'11", still net 8 down but considering the muscle loss... yikes.... the goal was to race in a tankini this year, but at this point I can neither race nor show the abs.


On a more positive note, I was a bit hungry after 3 hours of rowing, 1 hour of running, and 2 hours of cycling.